There's a dangerous idea floating around the alternative protein industry that goes something like:

"If we educate consumers, naturally they'll want to adopt our solution."

'problem is...

People have been educated on climate change for 70 years and traction is ONLY just starting.

Personally I don't think the alternative protein sector has that kind of time.

'way I see it...

It's not about education - it's about making people FEEL.

(In just a second you'll get to test for yourself whether you experienced something that actually agrees with the statement above)

So The Alternative Strategy To Education Is...

Make people feel safe eating new kinds of meat and new sources of protein.

Make people feel familiar with how to prepare it.

Make people feel excited about the flavor.

Make people feel part of a culture.

Make people feel...

...and just like with the REST of the garbage we're eating these days, people won't care about the facts anymore.

The ONLY reason people are asking all sorts of questions about entomophagy is because they don't FEEL safe. While the amount of antibiotics in beef and pork SHOULD have people worried.

People are hesitant because they're uncertain.

It's not about facts.

It's about feelings.

Note that this is not about hiding anything or being sneaky.

It's about doing what actually makes people change their behavior:


Trying to win market shares by presenting stat sheets and trying to 'debunk' false information might set the industry back 20 years.

The Simplest Solution?

Put as many free tasters in front of people and they'll adopt it faster than they could read 5 articles about that same topic.

I know two keystone moments that got me hooked on insects:

1. Tasting cricket pizza and mealworm rum balls at Jakob Lewin Rukov/Bugging Denmark's farm

2. Tasting Hey Planet's cricket snack bars at TechBBQ (Thanks Malena)

...and as a consequence, not only do I have ZERO reservations about eating crickets...

I'm excited.

All because someone helped me FEEL certain by giving me easy access to the real thing - rather than share facts about it.

You've Seen This In Your Own Life

The first time you try something new, always feels a bit scary.

Because you don't know what you're getting yourself into.

(Uncertainty is the root cause of all fear, remember?)

Your first date.

Your first job interview.

Exams (you don't know what kind of examinator you've gotten and how they'll grill you)

The first time you knocked on a friend's front door to ask if they could come out and play.

And since uncertainty is the root cause of all fear, any kind of uncertainty (even if it seems silly from the outside) makes people afraid.


As SOON as you've tried something, even if you just tried it once, that uncertainty mostly goes away.

Which means: You know from personal experience that getting access to something, and trying it just once, makes a world of difference wrt your experience of it.

So now you have a simple-but-not-necessarily-easy strategy: Figure out how to give your ideal prospects easy access to what you're selling so they can experience it, just once.

If you have questions...

You can always schedule a free call with me

Click the link above to see exactly why such a call is NOT going to be a painful pitch fest - but a 100% useful conversation that WILL help you make progress

Sorry. We Might Be "Educating Consumers" The Wrong Way